Finding Light in the Midst of Overwhelm
Today's Cards
Today's Story
In a small, dimly lit room, a figure sat surrounded by eight overturned cups, each spilling its contents onto the floor.
This was [Eight of Cups reversed], a moment of confusion and stagnation, where the usual sources of comfort and fulfillment seemed to have lost their meaning.

The figure felt trapped, unable to move forward or find the path that once seemed so clear.
Outside the window, the sails of three ships [Three of Wands reversed] hung limp in the windless air, symbolizing delayed plans and the frustration of waiting for opportunities that never seemed to arrive.

Yet, in the corner of the room, a bundle of ten wands [Ten of Wands] lay, heavy but manageable.

It was a reminder that while the burden was real, it was not insurmountable.
The figure took a deep breath, stood up, and picked up the bundle, realizing that the first step towards light was to acknowledge the weight and then, step by step, move forward.
Today's Action
Take a moment to write down one burden you're carrying and one small step you can take today to lighten it.